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Here in our late braking news section we would like to let you know where we are going to be and where you can come out and meet us, ask us any questions that you may have, or maybe even donate so that we can help even more suffer's. 

This was our very first event at Ross and Lindsay's No Frills. Our main goal at this event was to help inform the public of this crippling disease, and hopefully raise some fund's so that we could help spread more information and help more people then we ever though we ever would. 

These are our very first raffle winners.  The funds that were raised helped us get into other events and help 3 suffer's of CRPS get some medication. 

Helping to spread information and awareness for the CRPS/RSD community at this event we where able to 2 suffer's get about a week of medication and be able to pay for the space at our next event.

Concession Street Sidewalk Sound's

Even Miss. Belle help's to spread information to everyone that will listen .

It's Your Festival 

Pride at the Pier 

This was our first stop on our accessibility tour and pain fest campaign. Thank you for you support from NDP Monique Taylor.


Our second stop this year for our accessibility's tour was MP David Sweet . Thank you for your help getting the RSDSA's hospital protocol in the right hand's.

Our next stop on our tour was MP Pam Damoff. We really appreate you being able to take some time out of your busy day to speak to us about accessablity in oakville and about CRPS and RSD. We would like to say thank you

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